Recent client: Flexible loan for flooring business recently helped a flooring business with a flexible repayment loan. They had big expansion plans and invested a lot of their working capital to get into the UK market. They already were making use of invoice finance and our partner credit team saw more room for credit based on their ongoing and upcoming sales. They were happy to get a €250,000 facility over 12 months, with a view to getting a second facility for the same amount during that term. The loan has a flexible repayment that works in tune with cash flow and stays on target to be repaid in the agreed time. This was especially useful to the client who sometimes had irregular cash flow, in between projects.

Could this loan work for you? If your business is trading at least 9 months and is averaging at least €20,000 sales a month then enquire now.

Does your business want a fast finance quote? Call us now on 01 55 636 55 or email